2- Boxes of 24 regular size Crayola crayons
1- Box of Crayola Markers
1-Llarge pack of Elmer’s glue sticks (NO BOTTLE GLUE)
1- Cloth pencil bag (NO BOXES)
1- Container of Clorox wipes
1- Box of gallon size Ziploc bags (boys only)
1-Box of quart size Ziploc bags (girls only)
1- Box of Kleenex
1- Roll of paper towels
1- Set of sturdy headphones—no earbuds (children will use their own)
$20 Classroom donation to be used for class supplies, activities, and/or awards, etc.
Teacher Wish List-card stock, copy paper, index cards, candy for treat jars, trinkets for treasure chest, baby wipes.
(Any of these items are much appreciated at any time during the year.)